Friday, November 9, 2012

Pumpkin Patches

This was officially Becker's October where he could understand the concept and ideas of fall and Halloween.  Last year we did the pumpkin patch rounds and took photos of him absorbed in these huge orange balls and then took him out to dinner in his pumpkin costume and that was that. 

This year was different.  We went to the first pumpkin patch with Becker's Great Grand Parents and he loved the different sized pumpkins and trying to pick them all up.  He's a pretty strong kiddo!

Next we drove 2.5 hours in horrific traffic to Bates Nut Farm in Valley Center.  It was close to 90 degrees outside.  We drank a lot of water and stopped for each adult in the car to use the potty once on the drive. Somehow we completely forgot about the toddler strapped in the carseat who had just sucked down 14oz of water out of his new Camelbak bottle.  When I took Becker out of the carseat he was sitting in an actual puddle and I felt horrible. When he got antsy in the car, I thought he was hungry so I had given him a snack not even thinking that he may need a new diaper.  Mommy fail!  Thankfully I had a back up outfit packed although I was pretty dissapointed that he would not be wearing "the pumpkin patch outfit" I had selected that morning.  He was a good sport and enjoyed a few minutes of "naked baby" in the parking lot.  We had a good sweaty time chasing Becker and Bodi through the pumpkin patch and got a few cute photos to boot.


Becker was a pumpkin patch pro by his third trip.  This time we ventured to Tanaka Farms in Irvine with our playgroup.  As new moms, we took our babies to a different pumpkin patch last year and it has been so much fun to watch them grow and change.  This year was even more fun now that they are toddlers.  I just love these 4 sweeties!  We visited the petting zoo, climbed in the pumpkins and rode the tractor wagon around the farm.  Now, Becker calls his friends on my old cell phone to set up play dates at the pumpkin patch.

Look how much they've changed!

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